Saturday, May 31, 2008

Contact Us

Icy Kiwi from the best country in the world?

The place of long cloud, stretch of greens, sure – more sheep than human.

The Lord of the Ring’s choice of place follows by Narnia and also many more who wish to retire and grow old……..

However, in 19 September 1993, women in this lovely country celebrated the right to vote and enjoy the privilege granted after 106 years. The recognition is getting better having a woman as the PM. What can we say? Are women dominating the professional world? Definitely women are more than men here….. so ladies not sure you should be here if you are looking for a partner.

Coming from a different country and working as an executive does not make you a different person here. Everyone has the same benefit including your kids (if you have any).

The Icy Kiwi

Who is Sensually Fun?

I am a working Stylo Singer woman in Kuala Lumpur, Twenty something working as Marketing and Promotion Executive.

I will be contributing to Stylo Mum Claptrap whenever I have something to shout about, and The Shiok Guy has been pressurizing me to have my posting up and going ASAP!

How do I look like? Who am I?

It is up to your imagination. Please don't ask me for my mobile number and picture. If you have any comment, kindly just leave it in the comment section.

Thank you

Stylo Fun and Cheers
Sensually Fun

Health Tips

少喝奶茶 ;
Reduce the intake of Tea Tarik;

Reduce toasted bread, just eat it fresh;

远离充手机电源 ;
Keep a distance away from Handphone Charger;

白天多喝水 ,晚上少喝 ;
Drink more water during day time, less at night;

一天 不喝多于两杯咖啡;
Drink less than 2 cups of coffee a day;

少吃油多的食物 ;
Reduce intake of fatty food;

Sleep early at 10pm and wake up early at 6am;

晚上五点后少吃大餐 ;
No heavy intake of food after 5pm;

每天喝酒不多过一杯 ;
Less than a cup of alcohol per day, hmm I think Red Wine should be fine;

不用 冷水服胶囊;
Don't take capsuled supplement or medicine with ice cold water;

睡前半小时服药忌 立刻躺下 ;
After taking any medication, allow 30 minutes before going to sleep;

Lack of 8 hours sleep per day will affect your intelligent;

有午睡习惯的人不易老 ;
Secret for youthfulness is taking an afternoon nap (My dad look really young);

若不能晨跑,傍晚5 点至 8 点的时间是散步的好时间;
If morning jog is out of question, take an evening walk daily;

电池剩一格时不要 接电话 ,剩一格时辐射是平时的一千倍 ;
Don't use your mobile phone when the signal is weak, the radiation is 1000 time stronger;



All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. Stylo Mum Claptrap ( makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.

This weblog does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of our employer. It is solely our opinion.

Feel free to challenge us, disagree with us, or tell us we are completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry, but we reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or offensive) - so keep it polite, please.

About Us

Welcome to Stylo Mum Claptrap!

What is this blog all about?

Firstly what is Stylo mean? Stylo means stylish and Stylo-mylo is occasionally used in context of describing modern time women.

Second the Mum means women but it does not specifically referring to a mother. We choose Stylo Mum instead of Stylo Women or Stylo Ladies because we belief you are eventually a mother to some lovely children, one way or another.

Thirdly Claptrap means Nonsense, Hogwash, Rubbish, Drivel, Twaddle, Baloney and Rot. Isn't that a paradox? A Stylo modern Mum but we all full of Nonsense and more.

What the hack! We are here to just write anything that we feel strongly about. In a way to release some steams, stresses (eating ice cream to release stresses is bad === Fat Fat)

Who is Shiok Guy?

Shiok Guy is a friend who setup this blog (technically) since we Stylo Mum has no time for Nonsense thing like HTML claptrap and others nerdy things.

Who Are We?

If you want to join us as a Stylo Mum and write about whatever you want to scream about, just click here and send an email to The Shiok Guy. He will setup the necessary for you to be part of the Stylo Mum Team, and we shall Claptrap together until the cow come home!

Current Stylo Mum are: -
  • Sensually Fun
  • LavenderDreamworld
  • The Icy Kiwi
  • Snow
  • Stylomum
  • ycmouse
  • AhDear_Yvonne
  • Agnes

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