Saturday, July 26, 2008

A friend? Or a man?

After graduated, there is such a long time I never spend time with my friends. Especially when every one of us is busy at work, boyfriend’s birthday, boyfriend’s family gathering, bla bla bla… You know, when you feel not to going out with your friends, you can find have all sorts of reason to reject the outing.

There was one time; we had an ex-schoolmate gathering after 10 years we graduated. The gathering had been postponed for 3 times because is hard to fit everyone’s schedule. At the end up we managed to gather 3 people to attend the gathering, another 1 came very late after we finished the food (If I’m not mistaken, we had 50 over classmates in our class last time)

L said “SK is not here today, she has dinner with her family in laws.”

But, we gathered for lunch!!!

S said “M will be late today; because she has to bring the boyfriend’s doggie to see vet.”

What? Can’t the boyfriend bring the bloody dog to the vet?

J said “Jane cannot come today; she has to stay with her boyfriend.”

You can stay with your boyfriend for the rest of your life if you guys are getting married one day. But how often can you spend time with your friends?

If there will be 4 people attending the gathering, why the hell we need to postpone it for 3 times? Now it makes us look bad, like we are the only 4 people in the world who is so damn free, nothing to do, sitting here for “gathering”.

Is spending time with your friends are a waste of time?

LY said “Talking with friends @ the café is wasting time, because you guys are talking nonsense.”

Hello, these are not nonsense, we are updating each other about what every one’s being up to.

T said “If we are really good friends, we do not need to spend time together and we will still be friends forever.”

Relationship or even friendship is something fragile, if you don’t maintain it, you will miss it. It will be too late when you realized it because you already lost a friend.

B said “Yes, you are my friends, but you guys are just friends, you will never be my boy friend.”

Yes yes… sorry I cannot be your boyfriend, because I don’t have a dick. So man is the only creature you need in your life, then I will consider deleting you from my friend list.

R said “Sorry friend, I cannot have dinner with you tonight, because my net friend, he is in town”

Hey, I’m a good friend of you for the past 10 years; you make me having dinner alone because of a net friend that you barely know. May be you could invite me to have dinner together with you and your net friend or at least you give me another better excuse.

Are those on the above, sounds familiar to you? You got it from a friend or you are the one who treated your friend that way?

Sometimes, as a friend, of course you will hope you friend will live happily. But friends are not someone you only call them when you are sad, they can also share your happiness as well. It is unfair to a friend that you only share your sadness when you got hurt or suffer from the relationship. When the time you realized you need a friend, there will be no more friends in your list, because you have ignored them when you are happily in love with your boyfriend.

For me, friendship is more valuable than a man. The possibility for a man to betray you is much higher than a good friend. I believe that a good friend will stand for you when you really need them, but the most important thing is you have to treat them as a friend, not just companion.

How often you see your friends after you got a boyfriend?
How often you turn down your friend because you want to spend time with your boyfriend?
How often you give a call to your friend after you have a boyfriend?

Miss your friend? Call them now…


Anonymous said...

Hmm...this..i can relate..coz i had my own experience trying to organize a gathering to meet up with my high skul classmates...after we graduated (which was in 2000), we had a few gatherings..the 1st one had about 20 of us..and then, the number started to dwindle..and now, 8 years one bothers to actually take the initiative to meet up or stuff like dat..

i was always the one organizing those gatherings last time..until one time, i tried so hard to get as many ppl as i ended up, only 5 of us met up...its so frustrating where ur effort is not being appreciated..yes, there are some who appreciates and take the effort to meet up..but mostly will be "too busy"..."bf this, bf that"..or it will be "i will try to make it"..but in the end, nvr show up also.why? "traffic jam la"!

so from that day onwards, i told myself, im not gonna organize all these anymore..and from dat day onwards, i told myself, im not gonna waste my time on ppl who doesnt make the effort to actually keep in touch as well..

to me, friends who keeps in touch are the ones who are sincere to be friends with, dun waste time on ppl who doesnt appreciate wat u do..=D

Unknown said...

From A guy prospective...

I think we just dont want to be compared among us.. Hey what car do you drive? Where did you go for holiday? How many kid do you have? etc etc..

It becomes more and more pressure to meet up when we cannot live up...

My two cents worths
Shiok Guy

dolphin said...

For me, 'Man. and 'Friend' also play an important role in my life. Friends are friends, men are men, it cannot be compared.

I'm married, but i still loves to gather with my ex colleagues and friends. Everytime when they call up, sure i will attend. We share our feeling when we mmet up, happiness, sadness, how's our life...and so on. When i back from gathering, again i will share my feeling with my husband too.

'Man' or 'Friend'??, it doesnt matter, the most important thing is we have to cherish those around us.....

Anonymous said...

hahah, frankly speaking when my primary school mates call me out for a drink, i dont feel like going. I dont know why neither, not that I have a bf or anything. But maybe because I was never really close to them. More like an acquaintance. Besides i just dont feel like going. But when I look at their pictures, I feel so jealous that I didnt catch up with them. Haha, im so fickle minded!

Looking at your situation, more like boyfriend(s) are in the way. I guess when they have boyfriends/husband, they have more things to be committed at. And its like they dont care if they lose you. Because they still have more friends. If they lose their bf, they lose the world. Oh well, if they dont bother to even make a move why should you even care? (:

Anonymous said...

That is so true!

Sometimes I think peopel do not se the picture picture, when they are in a relationship they forget about there friends, until they need them.

very well written :)

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