Thursday, July 17, 2008

Me and my “SPECIAL” ex-boyfriend…

Last weekend, I met my girl friend, L met for a drink. This was the first time we met after she broke up with her boy friend. I feel happy for her, this is not because I want her to be single as I am but she finally gets over a suffered relationship.

I met her @ a nice café in the centre of the city. From far, she looks better and more attractive compared to last time. I cannot see any sadness from her face. I can see she is so over him now.

After a cup of latte, she started to share with me what happened between her and the ex-boy friend: -

Their relationship last for 3 years, after the first year they got together, the boyfriend (Mr. M) started to cheat and flirt around. I still remember how sad she was when she found out Mr. M cheated on her just after a 2D1N trip to Thailand. She was trying very hard to be a nicest girlfriend in the world. She didn’t blame him, and she pretended nothing happened because she loved him, cannot afford to lose him.

She has been through the same issue for 3 times. From hurt badly till she had immune. But each time when she got hurt, she started to let go slowly. Finally, the last time, she decided this will be the last time, she deserved a better man.

L is happier right now. Mr. M treated her better than before when they were couple. He bought her gift when ever he traveled to overseas. He will ask her out once in while for dinner, movie, concert, etc. Even though L bumped into him in a shopping mall holding a girl’s hand, he never admits he has a new girl friend. Anyway, who cares whether he has a new girl friend as long as she feels happier now. At least she is treated like a princess. Now, she is not the one who suffered, is the new girl friend.

So I wonder, man (or many be human) tends to appreciate someone / something after losing it. Why? Why we cannot appreciate and hold on to whatever we are having now? But why Mr. M will treat L better than last time when they were couple? May be he regrets or he feels guilty?

Men are a weird creature. They can be cute and nice sometimes, but sometimes they can also be horrible and bad. Men like to be adventurous sometimes, I realized. They don’t like the happily ever after, they like complicated relationship. They will not satisfy with a normal, stable relationship; they need excitement, fun and flirt. The girls out there are always better than the one at home. May be they just like the feeling of being needed by different women? Or may be they just wanna grab as much “cares” as possible from different women?

My conclusion:
Sometimes, we have a boyfriend who doesn’t do his part, for example, he doesn’t care, he flirts, and he cheats. But sometimes do you realize that we may have a male friend who do exactly what a boyfriend does, who treats you like a girlfriend, he cares, he pays attention on you? In this case, you prefer to have a boyfriend who doesn’t care or you would like to have a male friend who cares?

So is the “BOYFRIEND” labeling important? I confuse…


Holger said...

You girls should consider, that its sometimes not that easy beeing a man.

That the girl out there is always better, than the one at home, hits the truth. The explanation from some (male) scientists are not that absurd, that it id in our nature. The man tries to spread his genes, as far as possible. Stupid in these times but truly the body chemics which tries to get control over us. The heat says no, the mind says no. But something else is stronger :-(.

For myself, I always try to remind, that the heart is the most precious present, somebody can give you. To never forget, that it is not naturally, that my wife is with me...


dolphin said...

'LABELING' is not important for me. As long as he is always be there for me, hold close and care of me.
So what for we need to request a 'labeling'from a guy?? Is just like...we get a box with nice labeling, but is empty inside......

Anonymous said...

What is sickening here is that almost all (ya, is either almost all or ALL) guys think they are capable of handling more than one girl at a time, and they want to prove that by taking action.

Buy hey, all guys, please look around, those who are capable to do so are either they are rich, or they are really good looking. The remaining are sweet talkers (girls, please don't listen to your ears), or those girls who they handle are so called "gozilla" (no offence :P) who don't care who/how/what the guy is, as long as he is a male.

So please, guys, if you are not one of the above, please be focus ok, or else sooner or later, YOU WILL GET BURNT, either upper or lower part, hehe...

Unknown said...


If you read the article by stylomum before here...

Sometimes I agreed with her too, whatever the decision life is still has to go on. If holding on is the best thing to do, why not? Until it is no holdable anymore..

If not seeing and not worrying make all parties happy, I think it is better to keep the status quo and everyone will be happy.. Life is short, remember?

My two cents worth....

Shiok Guy

Anonymous said...

My Idea of a "BOYFRIEND" is always just a brand you carry around to show off that you OWNED it officialy.

Here how i thought:

They just another Gucci, Coach, LV perhaps SK II we want and not a NEED in life. Do you think SK II really can transform you 10 years younger!! WAKE UP ladies... We just want to feel good about ourself.

Not ngam ar?.. try another brand lor. Your Prada broken ar? Buy another lor, maybe can try out Kenneth Cole. Get what i mean ladies?

My 1 cent worth...=)

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